How we move forward

Discussions with CRT have enabled JWT to identify options for a bridge into the square

Cornerstone’s planning application for Jericho Wharf has been refused. The City and community should now seize the initiative.

Posted - Jun 03, 2022

On March 23rd the City Council rejected the developer’s latest plan for the canalside site, which involved shrinking the public space and eliminating social housing. 

The Jericho Wharf Trust (JWT) believes that the  City and the Community should kick-start a new consultative process that re-envisions how the public benefit can best be served on this site. For this, we have strong backing from local councillors.

We are due to meet with the City Council on securing Jericho Wharf as a waterside hub for Jericho and Oxford. 

Meanwhile the JWT has sought advice from the Canal & River Trust (CRT) on our options for a canal crossing. The CRT has set out the navigational safety considerations which would apply to any bridge leading into the public square, and two options have been identified as ‘acceptable on navigational safety grounds’ – subject to specified constraints. While any detailed design proposal will still require approval by the CRT, we are now confident that this much requested feature can be successfully delivered.

This has been a protracted and frustrating saga and it would be easy to lose heart. But it is vital to get things right. We hope you can be involved in the community-led development of a site that was once publicly owned. To be kept informed please sign up for email alerts.