Pre-planning consultion, July 12 2019

Pre-planning consultation

Developer’s presentation

Posted - Jul 25, 2019

​On July 12, 2019 the Jericho Wharf Regeneration Company carried out a pre-planning public consultation in St Barnabas Church, presenting its latest proposals.

The Jericho Wharf Trust has had helpful and productive meetings with the developer on the community facilities but discussions are still ongoing, and we still have concerns about the current proposals for the ground floor of the community centre and about the size of the public square.

The presentation was in the form of eight boards which are reproduced in the pages listed on the right.

In addition, there were a series of video ‘flythroughs’ which can be viewed from the links below:

1. Around Residential Scheme

2. From towpath to St Barnabas

3. Around the Community Centre Phase 2

If you would like to comment on these proposals you can send a message to the Jericho Wharf Trust by CLICKING HERE. We will collect and summarize the responses and pass them on.