The Jericho Wharf Trust

The Jericho Wharf Trust (JWT) is responsible for all aspects of the campaign to acquire and develop the Castlemill Boatyard site on behalf of the community. The Trust was formed at the initiative of four local groups which had themselves been involved for several years in promoting development of the site as a sustainable community asset: 

  • Jericho Community Association (JCA)
  •  Jericho Community Boatyard (JCBY)
  • Jericho Living Heritage Trust (JLHT)
  • St Barnabas Parochial Church Council (PCC) 

The Jericho Wharf Trust is incorporated as a Charitable Society for the Benefit of the Community. It is registered (under the provisions of the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965) with the Financial Services Authority, register no. 31504R, The Objects and Rules of the Society can be found on our documents page. The four organisations above are the Founder Members of the Society, and have appointed the JWT Board of Trustees from among their own most experienced members.